
An intrepid toddler in england took matters into his own

Preschool Escapee Makes Solo Trek Home

An intrepid toddler in England took matters into his own hands when he decided on his first day of class that preschool was not for him. Samantha Aldridge, 27, dropped her 3-year-old son, Alfie, off at the Knoll Mead Primary School in Surrey on a recent Monday morning for his first day of nursery school and then headed home, according to the U.K.’s Daily Mail. The school called her 40 minutes later to let her know that her son was doing just fine. | So when her doorbell rang less than two hours later, she was shocked to see little Alfie standing in the doorway. “When I opened the door and saw Alfie standing there, I didn’t know what to think,” Aldridge told the Daily Mail. “A wave of emotion came over me.” To make the 10-minute trek home, Alfie walked out of his school building, scaled a 3-foot wall and crossed a busy street.

“Thankfully, I was home to answer the door,” Aldridge said. “It makes me feel sick to think of what could have happened. It’s a terrible thing for a mother to go through.

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