An interpretation of Frost's poem, "Out, Out,"
1) Interpreting the poem and understanding the implications of the lines.
2) annotating, such as the words and phrases that are significant and why they are.
3) Which words convey a lot of meaning in the poem? Such as the connotations? How can I recognize these?
4) What re the key images in the poem that provide sensory image?
5) Are there patterns of images that interlock or relate to each other?
6) How does the external/internal rhyme relate?
7) What are the relevant patterns in rhyme and meter?
8) Where does the thread of theme begin and end?
9) What is the reader supposed to understand from this poem?
10) How would I find the meaning in the poem? How do rhythm, rhyme, meter, image, speaker, and theme help the reader to understand? Are there quotes from the poem that are key to this understanding?
11) When reading it are there intonations, pauses, speed or slowness of speech, confidence, timidity, etc. that have to be understood in the oral interpretation to make the poem more effective?