
An interface for image processing - an interface is given

This is an assignment which based on the MATLAB Programme.

The topic is 'An interface for image processing".

You need to prepare code and the report.

- Working on an agreed individual project with the tutor.


- Select from the following list.

1. Face recognition from a clip of video images.

2. Flower image classification based on colours.

3. Evaluation of deep learning based approach (e.g. CNN) for object recognition.

4. An interface for image processing, e.g., edge detection, blurring, smoothing, calculation, etc.

This course work will be submitted online.

This should include -

1. An interface is given to upload the concerned images.

2. A simple Matlab program process/extract intended features (e.g. edge detection).

3. Evaluate the proposed work with any existing methods. For example, if a new approach is implement for edge detection, then comparison with Sobel, Roberts, and LoG should carry out to show which one is better.

4. Any extra features that are learnt by yourselves, e.g. Deep learning.

II. Report marking -

1. Abstract (1 page)
2. Introduction (2-5 pages)
3. Methodology (2-5 pages)
4. Evaluation and Results (2-5 pages) (including screen shots)
5. Summary and discussion (1 page)

Submission Requirement:

1. A Matlab programs.
2. A maximum 20-page report explaining the above points 1, 3, and 4 with screenshots of each interface of processing.
3. Submit both Matlab code and the document

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MATLAB Programming: An interface for image processing - an interface is given
Reference No:- TGS02708052

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