An insurance company processes two types of claims: Life and Property. The capacity of processing life claims is 500 per month. The capacity of processing property claims is 1,000 per month. The capacity of property claims is 500 per month. The capacity of processing property claims is 1,000 per month. Assuming a common bottleneck:
How many claims can the company process per month
500 life & 1,000 property
500 life or 1,000 property
250 life & 500 property
100 life & 800 property
400 life & 200 property
What is the Life claim Unit Load of the (common) bottleneck resource pool (month/claim)?
What is the Property claim Unit Load of the (common) bottleneck resource pool (month/claim)?
What is the artificial 50/50 mix claim Unit Load of the (common) bottleneck resource pool (month/claim)?
How many claims can the company process per month (process capacity for a 50/50 mix)?