An industrial off gas steam must be treated for both particulates and SOx. The gas is at 1500 degrees F and 1.5 atm of pressure containing 80 mg/cubis meter of particulates and 25 mg/cubic meter of SOx. A two unit system is bring considered consisting of a cyclone followed by a venturi scrubber. The cyclone would remove 5% of the SOx (see below for particulates)with a pressure drop of 0.2 atm and no change in temperature.The scrubber would remove SOx with 95% removal efficiency (see below for degrees F) accompanied by a pressure drop of 0.3 atm and a temperature drop of 1000 degree F.The standard gas flow rate is 2000 scfm.Determine the emmisiion rate (kg/minute) for both particulates and SOx as well as the actual gas flow rate (acfm) emittted.Also determine the actual concentration (mg/cubic meter) for both pollutants for their emissions.