An individual, Sam Rice, was injured while setting off fireworks manufactured by the BIGBOOM Fireworks Company. Rice was a resident of the state of Wyoming. He was injured after lighting the fireworks in Wyoming. The BIGBOOM Fireworks Company was located in the State of Maryland. It sold fireworks to a wholesaler in New Jersey, which then sold them to a retail fireworks store in Wyoming. The individual’s injuries cost him – in terms of doctor’s bills and missed income from not being able to work – well over $200,000. The individual sued BIGBOOM Fireworks under Wyoming common law for negligence. He filed his civil lawsuit against the company in Wyoming state court. BIGBOOM Fireworks did not, however, respond to or otherwise contest Rice’s lawsuit and Rice was awarded $425,000 in damages by the trial court. Based on the legal information that you learned in this chapter, write a 1-2 sentence answer for each of the following questions.
What state law would Rice have invoked in trying to show that the Wyoming state court had personal jurisdiction over BIGBOOM Fireworks?