An ideal gas at 269degc and a pressure 160 105 pa is in a

An ideal gas at 26.9°C and a pressure 1.60 105 Pa is in a container having a volume of 1.00 L.

(a) Determine the number of moles of gas in the container.

(b) The gas pushes against a piston, expanding to twice its original volume, while the pressure falls to atmospheric pressure. Find the final temperature. Answer in K

(c) Suppose the temperature of 4.51 L of ideal gas drops from 390 K to 275 K.
If the volume remains constant and the initial pressure is atmospheric pressure, find the final pressure. Answers in Pa

(d) Find the number of moles of gas.

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Physics: An ideal gas at 269degc and a pressure 160 105 pa is in a
Reference No:- TGS0766057

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