
An experimenter wanted to determine food preferences in a

An experimenter wanted to determine food preferences in a college dining hall. For the first half of the fall semester, students ranked each dinner meal on a 10-point scale, where 1 stood for awful and 10 stood for delicious. Intermediate numbers represented intermediate ranking. Since the various meals were on a recurring cycle, each type of meal was ranked three times. The experimenter determined the mean ranking for each type of meal. Steak and potatoes had the highest mean ranking (9), and liver and onions had the lowest (1). Spaghetti and meatballs received a low ranking of three, and fried chicken received a ranking of six, which is near the midpoint of the scale. The experimenter concluded that the ranking was three times higher for steak than for spaghetti and meatballs, and rating for fried chicken was six times that of liver and onions. Comment on the conclusions of the experimenter.

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Other Subject: An experimenter wanted to determine food preferences in a
Reference No:- TGS0757325

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