Select one of the following to complete this assignment:
An example in your organization when an important resource or service from a supplier was interrupted and created problems for the organization. You may use an example from this week's discussion only if appropriate.
Identify a recent natural disaster in some part of the world (2-3 years). Include country or region affected and an industry whose supply of an important resource was disrupted.
What could your organization or a member of the affected industry do to reduce or remove the risks of this disruption of supply, choosing to describe any 2 of the following three:
(1) Before selecting a supplier?
(2) While selecting a supplier?
(3) After selecting a supplier?
Your response should be 3 pages and include a thorough description of the disruption of supply and at least five actions in total that a company could do before, while and after selecting a supplier.
Include references to course content and other resources in support of your answers.