
An evaluation of succession planning at the audit office of

Project - An evaluation of succession planning at the Audit Office of Guyana

Executive summary (to be written on completion of the entire draft)

This area should cover key aspects of the project; a sentence each on:

1. Say what was the topic; - 2 to 3 lines
2. Write out the purpose of the paper - 2 to 3 lines
3. Explain how the research was done - 2 to 3 lines
4. Summary of your key findings/issues - one paragraph
5. Brief recommendations from your report - one paragraph Table of Contents
• Make sure this is generated from the word document itself!

1. Introduction - (this is about one and a half pages long and must flow in a narrative covering the following areas. Do not number it. I did so only to ensure that you captured each point that must go into the introduction)

1. Begin with theory of your core issue using one to two citations. eg the importance of planning for succession in companies to ensure continuity and success
2. Link the theory to the issue in the company - that AOG is challenged when persons retire, fall sick or go on vacation as there is no succession in place
3. Briefly describe the company (One paragraph)
4. Describe the problems in the company (1 to 2 paragraphs) - rewrite from the proposal
5. What is the impact of the problem on the company (one paragraph) - rewrite from the proposal
6. State the purpose of the paper (one paragraph) - rewrite from the proposal
7. Explain the benefits to the company (one paragraph) - rewrite from the significance in the proposal
8. Describe the method to be used for the research (one paragraph) - summarise from the proposal
9. Give the summary outline for the rest of the paper (one paragraph)

2. Orientation: relevant literature, case organisation and research questions -
2.1 Literature review - 8 to 10 references

Make the link to module of the MBA programme , eg this research will examine the topic of ... ... which is incorporated in the ....module of the MBA programme
Your discussion can include all literature from the proposal and now needs to be about three pages long. Do not copy and paste however. Please rewrite it

• Definition of key issues - 2 citations - eg what is succession planning;
• Explain the challenges when a company does not have proper succession planning - 2 citations
• Highlight the benefits of succession planning -as shown in literature - 3 citations
• What are the best practice solutions or models to solve the problem - 3 citations

2.2 Case organisation - similar to the proposal - just more detailed
• Give an overview of the Audit office (one paragraph) -
• Explain what the Office does - including some details on the types of audit done over the years. What has changed - eg did the workload increase with more ministries and gov't agencies? Did staff size increase?
• Provide details of employee activities - give some idea of the workload of specific individuals, especially those who retired an example of someone near retirement.l
• Provide examples of when persons retire, what happens to the work in the organisation

(make sure to provide charts and graphs showing statistics where you can)

3 Research questions
The following research questions will be addressed in this research:
1. Why is there need for succession planning at the OAG?
2. What strategies are in place for staff development and filling vacancies for continuity and long term success of the OAG?
3. How does the current practices impact on the staff and the work of the organisation when positions become vacant either through vacation or retirement?
4. What recommendations would help improve succession planning practices at the AOG?

Research Methodology section (most of this is already captured in your proposal so you just need to elaborate on it a bit.)

3.1 Different types of Methodologies - one paragraph
3.1.1 Case study method - one paragraph
3.1.2 - Advantages of the case study method - one paragraph
3.1.3 - Triangulation under Case Study

3.1.4 Qualitative and Quantitative data methods - two paragraphs with citations, make sure to justify the need to use both methods, ie one by itself does not give the whole story

3.1.5 Data sources - Secondary and Primary - two paragraphs with citations, explain that secondary data will come from Company records and other existing information, and that primary data will come from your interviews

3.2 Data collection - explain the following:
Explain who was interviewed
Interviews will be conducted with 11 senior staff members as follows five Supervisors, five Managers and one Audit Director. These will comprise of semi structured interviews with open ended questions lasting 30 minutes to be conducted face-to-face.
- Include how long it actually took?
Were there any challenges in the process, eg persons did not want to sit for the interviews, or were ill and absent etc.

3.3 Ethical considerations
3.3.1 - Explain that Consent forms were signed by all participants (Each person must sign an individual consent form which will be attached to your final paper)
3.3.2 - Levels of Risk identified and also make sure to explain what was done to allay the fears of participants- much of this can be taken from the proposal (But please rewrite, don't copy and paste)

4. Presentation of findings - this is a new section which requires you to explain your findings, and this is where you will develop the new process map.

Use tables and sub headings on the different issues. Ensure to explain all the key issues discussed but you don't need to provide answers to every question. Just pick the main things that would:
a. Confirm the existence of the problem
b. Discuss the possible cause of the problem
c. The impact of the problem
d. Recommendations offered by participants
Try to ensure you can show the gap between what is practiced in the organisation and what the literature says should be done. (BUT remember no literature must be cited in this section. This is your own work with your research and your thoughts - which is the data analysis section below. Also please label all diagrams at the top and provide the source below.

4.1 Analysing the data (this can be part of the above if you prefer)
Reflect on what the findings mean - eg what is making the problem difficult to solve, what do you think is the cause for the problem to not be addressed before. What is different that may allow a solution to work now.

4.2 Answering the research questions
Each of the 4 questions must be listed and answered separately

5. Implications and recommendations
Implications is one paragraph and should state what you think will happen to the company if the problem is not solved -

Recommendations should be brief and linked to the solution models in the literature review and what is discussed in the presentation of findings

6. Conclusion
one paragraph concluding the report.

References - ensure you increase the number of references and that it is in compliance with AIB style rules

Thank you for agreeing to be part of this interview.

I am currently concluding my MBA and the end project is a research project, and requires extensive research to be conducted into a "problem". In this project, I will be evaluating the need for succession planning strategies at the AOG. Any recommendations that you can give will enhance the quality of this Project.

The purpose of this interview is to evaluatethe need for succession planning at the Audit Office of Guyana.

The findings from this session will be used as part of our on-going improvement efforts, and in my MBA project report.

Interview Questions: (Human Resource Manager/Audit Director)

1. How long have you worked at the Audit Office and in what capacity?

2. Do you believe there is need for succession planning at the AOG? If yes/no

3. Why do you think so? What examples can you give that demonstrates the need for succession planning in the AOG?

4. What do you think is most difficult in implementing succession planning at the AOG?

5. What systems are in place to identify key positions and potential successors at this time?

6. Which positions are at greatest danger for vacancy due to resignations or retirement?

7. What strategy is in place to identify and document exceptional talent?How are they developed? Is there a succession planning policy?

8. What criteria are used to identify persons to fill managerial positions?

9. What strategies are in place for grooming and developing Audit Supervisors to fill managerial positions?

10. What evaluation is done to determine training and development needs?

11. Within the last five years how many vacant positions existed and how many were filled when Managers retired/resigned?How has this affected the AOG?

12. How does the current practice impact on the staff and work of the organisation when positions become vacant either through vacation or retirement?

13. What systems are in place to ensure that there is continuity when managerial positions become vacant?

14. What procedures are in place to ensure that the incumbent officer understudy the outgoing officer before filling the vacancy?

15. What strategies should be put in place for succession planning at the AOG?

16. What criteria should be used to identify eligible persons to fill vacancies?

17. What training is necessary to develop Audit Supervisors for Managerial positions? How often?

18. What can be done to implement succession planning at the AOG?

19. What other suggestions do you have?

Interview Questions: (Audit Manager/Supervisor)

1. How long have you worked at the Audit Office and how long in your present position?

2. Do you believe there is need for succession planning at the AOG? If yes/no,

3. Why do you think so? What examples can you give that demonstrates the need for succession planning in the AOG?

4. What do you think will be most difficult in implementing succession planning at the AOG?

5. Which positions do you think are at greatest danger for vacancy due to resignations or retirement?

6. What criteria do you think management should use to identify persons to fill managerial positions?

7. If you are selected to fill a Director/Manager position are you equipped to perform in that capacity? Yes/no, why?

8. What training needs have you identified when appraised and was training conducted?

9. Have you attended management training? Yes/no, how long ago? And how did it benefit you?

10. When your Manager is on vacation how is work affected?

11. Have you ever acted in a Director/Manager position? Yes/no, how long and how did it benefited you?

12. Did you understudy the outgoing officer before acting or filling the vacancy? Yes/no, how did it affected your performance?

13. What strategies do you think should be put in place to implement succession planning at the AOG?

14. What criteria do you think should be used to identify eligible persons to fill vacancies?

15. What training do you think is necessary to develop Audit Supervisors/Managers for Manager/Director position?

16. What other suggestions do you have?

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Dissertation: An evaluation of succession planning at the audit office of
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