
An entrepreneurial venture - groups are to develop an

Business Proposal Group Assignment

Purpose: This assessment is designed to allow students to demonstrate their ability to apply the theoretical concepts and models to real world current situations. As a group activity it also allows students to further develop their team work skills and professional presentation and communications skills.

Topic: An entrepreneurial business proposal - budget $200,000 for the first year.

Business idea- Neon night bikes

Task Details:

An Entrepreneurial Venture - groups are to develop an entrepreneurial product or service that could be commercialised. The group is to assume it is seeking funding of $100,000 to add to the existing funds of $100,000, and include a financial plan for the use of these funds for the first financial year.

The product or service should be original and producible (i.e. no science fiction). The primary target market should be local, although secondary markets may be reached via the internet. Pricing, distribution and promotion strategies should reflect this.

To assist groups in managing their progress, pairs of students should be finalised by week 4 and advise the tutor of their chosen product or service and primary market for approval.

The proposal should be communicated in a 2000 - 2500 word report, containing all relevant detail and supporting evidence and presentations as if to a potential financer. The presentation should be a sale pitch for the business venture.


Report: Students should present this idea/venture in a 2250 word report containing:

1) A Title Page (consider the design - it needs to look attractive and professional)

2) Executive Summary

3) Table of Contents

4) Background (to the idea)

5) Mission

6) Product (Service) offering

7) Market analysis

a) Industry analysis

b) Competition

8) Primary Target market

9) Marketing

a) Product (probably similar to section 3 above - additional detail where necessary)

b) Pricing

c) Distribution

d) Promotion (including a 1 page mock-up of a proposed advertisement)

10) Financial plan

11) Critical risks

12) Reference list identifying all sources used - these should also be found in the body of text used and referenced using Harvard - Anglia style referencing.

13) Attachments as required.

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Business Management: An entrepreneurial venture - groups are to develop an
Reference No:- TGS02288050

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