an English essay, which is 1500 words in length, requires both primary an secondary texts
"Novels and films for children and adolescents are 'radically intertextual' because they have no special discourse of their own; rather they exist at the intersection of a number of other discourses which they appropriate and adapt."
In a comparison of Neil Gaimon's novel Stardust and Mathew Vaughn's film of the same
name, examine how this radical Intertextualtiy functions in each text.
Teacher comments and hints:
Film adaptations
Two speerate but related texts
Which one is beeter not looking at that
No similairirties or difference
Intertetxtuality- provides a framwework
Film intertetxtaulity visual discourse
Has a makeover sequence with trisitian- captian shapekspaere
Significance for doing tht from a male character
Episode on the boat captain shakesperare
Allows us to draw intertetxuality, gender and actors and diferet roles.
Talking tree isn't in the book but in the book it is.
What is the talking tree doing in the book compared to film, a different intertetxual difference
Books we have long stretches in descriin g in books coapred to film