
An email announcing major changes in company policy


Select your writing assignment from the below three choices:

a. employee training guidelines,

b. a disciplinary letter, or

c. an email announcing major changes in company policy.

2). No in-text citations are used for this writing assignment. However, you must conduct independent research to identify at least two examples of the type of writing you have chosen for your assignment. For example, if you choose to write employee training guidelines, you must find at least two examples of employee training guidelines. This requirement is designed to help you understand how businesses write this type of document. List the examples you found in an APA-formatted reference list at the end of your document. This list of examples is a required part of this writing assignment.

3. Academic Integrity - after you find at least two examples of the type of writing you have chosen to do you must then write, without any assistance and observing all academic integrity requirements, the guidelines, letter, or email you selected from the list (#1) above.

4. Required Content - response a 3 pages including all the following content elements: i. Pre-Writing Checklist - identifying your key audience, desired action(s), and how you would measure results from this writing. ii. Independently written assignment - no less than 1 and no more than 2 pages. iii. Reference list - no more than 1 page (using APA style) documenting the independent research done in step 2 above.



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Reference No:- TGS01875848

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