
An electric iron has a resistance of 15 ohms and is


1. One of the primary motivating forces behind our per capita reduction in energy use in the1980's was _____________.
a. a smaller population growth
b. higher oil prices
c. increased nuclear power costs
d. increased domestic oil discoveries

2. CFC's in the stratosphere ________.
a. provide protection from incoming solar radiation
b. dissipate within days
c. combine with NOX to produce smog
d. adsorb ultraviolet light from the sun
e. contribute to ozone destruction

3. When a hydrocarbon burns which of the following are inevitable byproducts (chemicals that have to be formed):
a. CO2
b. SO2
c. Ozone
d. Mercury
e. Water

4. Electricity is transmitted from power plants at ________.
a. high voltages
b. high currents
c. low resistances
d. low power

5. One advantage of using air as the working fluid in a solar collector is ________.
a. that freezing will not be a problem
b. that water heats up faster than air
c. a smaller storage facility can be used
d. that one needs hot water for showers

6.The largest share of renewable energy in the U.S. comes from
a. wind
b. natural gas
c. hydro
d. petroleum
e. radiant solar

7. If you started with $100 in the bank and you had $200 after letting it sit there for 5 years, what would be the annual interest rate you received?
a. 2% b. 5% c. 10% d. 14% e. 22%

8. If the growth rate of the number of solar collectors is 7% per year, then 1000 units in use in 2010 will grow to _______ units by the year 2040.
a. 1200 b. 2000 c. 4000 d. 8000 e. 20,000

9. The Hubbert curve for an energy resource displays what quantity on the y-axis?
a. time b. total production c. yearly production d. amount of fuel left

10. The fuel that provides most of the electricity in the U.S. is ________.
a. oil b. natural gas c. coal d. uranium e. solar

For the following questions, if the answer requires a derivation, clearly show the equations, the calculation and units.Exact copying from the lecture notes is not encouraged - expand on definitions.


a) Look at the lecture notes and estimate the total fossil fuel consumption in Canada.
b) What three constraints might be expected to decrease demand for coal production?
c) In the context of fuels, what's the difference between reserves and resources? (Do not copy from lecture notes).
d) What is strip mining? In your own words discuss some of the negative aspects of strip mining.

14. a) What is insolation and what are its units (in any system)? 
b) What is the difference between "passive solar" and "active solar" heating? (Note the points and give a full answer).
c) Discuss the 4 types of solar thermal power systems

15. If the insolation on a flat plate collector is 2000 Btu/ft2/day how large much the collector be to provide 30,000 Btu/hour of heat for 1 day? The collector efficiency is 30%.

16. A heat engine gives out 600 J of heat energy as the useful work. Calculate the energy given to it as input if its efficiency is 50%?

17. Assuming a low temperature of 330 K, at what high temperature would you have to operate a heat engine for its maximum possible efficiency to be 70%?

18. A coal engine burning at 1650 °K delivers heat energy to a reservoir at 340°K.

a) What does "Carnot efficiency" mean for an engine?
b) If this same engine turns 1000 J of input energy into 670 J of useful work what is its efficiency?
c) Considering the Carnot efficiency, what would be the maximum amount of useful work you could get from that 1000J? (
d) What is the loss between the Carnot efficiency and the actual efficiency?

19.a) What is Ohm's Law? Indicate all units.
b) A 10 Volt battery is connected to a resistor of resistance 5 ohms. What is the current flowing through the resistor?

20. a) What is the formula for electrical power? Indicate all units.

b) An electric iron has a resistance of 15 ohms and is connected to a 120 V wall socket. What is the power consumed by the iron?

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