
An electric immersion heater 10 mm in diameter and 300 mm

1. An electric immersion heater, 10 mm in diameter and 300 mm long, is rated at 550 W. If the heater is horizon- tally positioned in a large tank of water at 20°C, estimate its surface temperature. Estimate the surface temperature if the heater is accidentally operated in air at 20°C.

2. The maximum surface temperature of the 20-mm- diameter shaft of a motor operating in ambient air at 27°C should not exceed 87°C. Because of power dissi- pation within the motor housing, it is desirable to reject as much heat as possible through the shaft to the ambi- ent air. In this problem, we will investigate several methods for heat removal.

For the prescribed conditions. Thermophysical properties associated with the liquid state of the paraffin are k = 0.15 W/m · K, /3 = 8 X 10-4 K-1, p = 770 kg/m3, v = 5 X 10-6 m2/s, and a = 8.85 X 10-8 m2/s.

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Mechanical Engineering: An electric immersion heater 10 mm in diameter and 300 mm
Reference No:- TGS01255508

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