An educational campaign to combat opioid misuse in americas

Topic: An Educational Campaign to Combat Opioid Misuse in America's High Schools

Essentially, we are continuing to develop the campaign addressing opioid misuse in america's high schools.

Slides 3-10 are used to populate the information below (target audience profile analysis).

Essentially, you should have addressed much of what you're being asked to cover in your slide deck already (Using the note notes view feature of power point to provide fuller details).

Now is you opportunity to recheck your work. Again (slides 3-10) to be sure you addressed the information below accordingly.

Demographic information about high school students and the impact of opioid misuse.

Attitudes, norms, and beliefs about opioid misuse among high school students.

Possible stages of behavior change as relates to opioid misuse among high school students.

In short, you will identify health communication strategies that could be used to maximize the message for our "on the frontline" educational campaign addressing opioid misuse in america's high schools you will populate the information in slides 11 - 13 (Slide 11 is really a placeholder/segue). Essentially (slide 12), you will identify 3 potential communications strategies (name a strategy, provide a short description on the slide). Please use the notes view feature in power point to more fully describe the strategies. Be sure to describe strengths and weaknesses for slide 13 (you will identify the communication strategy that you've chosen to use (from among the three referenced in slide 12). Again, use the notes feature in power point to justify why you have chosen your particular strategy. I have uploaded several documents to doc sharing on communications strategies that may be useful. You may also want to use the readings for this module, the Internet, and your personal experience, select two health communication campaigns.

Attachment:- ON THE FRONTLINES.rar

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Dissertation: An educational campaign to combat opioid misuse in americas
Reference No:- TGS02383892

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