An automobile dealer conducted a test to determine whether the time needed to complete a minor engine tune-up depends on whether a computenzed engine analyzer or an electronic analyzer is used. Because tune-up time varies among compact, intermediate, and full-sized cars, the three types of cars were used as blocks in the experiment. The data (time in minutes) obtained follow.
Excel File: data 16 -25.xls
Analyzer Compact Intermediate Full Size
Computerized 50 55 63
Electronic 42 44 46
a. The following regression model can be used to analyze the data for a randomized block design involving two treatments and three blocks.
E(y) - So + 01x1 + 02x2 + 143x3
Show the values of the variables below.
Analyzer x1
Electronic 1
Car x2 x3
Compact 0 0
Intermediate 1 Full Size 0
b. Show the estimated regression equation (to 1 decimal, if necessary).
y= X1+ X2+ X3
c. What is the value of the t test statistic for the type of analyzer (to 2 decimals)?
- What is the p-value?
- What is your conclusion?