Aquaponics Control System
An automated system to control an aquatic life sustaining environment
Floddertje, E. (2010).
Project Description
Our product is a control system which would not only monitor the plants and fish in their symbiotic ecosystem, but also either correct the problem or notify the owner that specific actions need to be taken. The system will monitor and adjust various aspects of the environment such as; water temperature, oxygenation, lighting, and water quality. Control of grow- light timing and monitor soil moisture content would also be included, and necessary fish food and nutritional additions can also be periodically added to the system. This solution would allow even the busiest of families to participate in supplementing their own healthy diet.
The system would be comprised of a controller, sensors, and various activators that would correct specific issues with the ecosystem. The controller would monitor environmental conditions and when correction is required, the system software would activate corrective measures that would bring the system back within tolerance. When human interaction is required, the owner of the system will be notified of the problem and the necessary corrective actions that they need to perform.
System Requirements
• PLC or microprocessor with appropriate number of I/O ports and power for sensors
• PC:
o Windows 2000/XP/7
o 512 MB RAM and 20MB free hard disk space
o One serial communications port or USB port using USB-RS232
o Color SVGA monitor
• 110V relay controlled power outlet strip
• Solid State Relays
• Input Sensors:
o Water temperature
o Nitrate level
o Fluid flow
o Oxygen level
• Output Actuators:
o Thermostat
o Pump for aquaponics system water control
o Oxygen level pump
• Aquarium
o Fish
o Fish food dispenser
• Plant system
o Water conduit
o Plant containers
List of Material
Table 1.0 List of Material
Control System
PLC/ microcontroller
water temperature
Flow verification
Tank pump
pump for plants
relay control power strip
food dispenser
Plant growth environment
Plant containers
User Interface
Project Design
Figure 1.1 Aquaponics Project Block Diagram