
An article innbspfinancial analysts journalnbspdiscusses

1. A regression analysis was carried out to determine whether wages increase for blue-collar workers depending on the extent to which ?rms that employ them engage in product exportation. The sample consisted of 585,692 German blue-collar workers. For each of these workers, the income was known as well as the percentage of the work that was related to exportation. The regression slope estimate was 0.009, and the t-statistic value was 1.51.8 Carefully interpret and explain these ?ndings.

2. An article in Financial Analysts Journal discusses results of a regression analysis of average price per share on the independent variable X/k, where X/k is the contemporaneous earnings per share divided by ?rm-speci?c discount rate. The regression was run using a random sample of 213 ?rms listed in the ValueLine Investment Survey. The reported results are = 16.67 + 0.68/k (12.03) where the number in parentheses is the standard error. Is there a linear relationship between the two variables?

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Basic Statistics: An article innbspfinancial analysts journalnbspdiscusses
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