REFERENCING - (Harvard) System' - and - 'BIBLIOGRAPHY'
'In Text' Referencing (In the body of the Essay)
a. Burnett has explained that ...'An apprentice writer in an academic culture, or rather cultures, where expectations may vary from discipline to discipline, even subject to subject)... (Burnett B, 2001, P.90)
b. If the Quote is
Franks explains that the concept of IRAC, in answering legal questions is an important formula, as follow, There is a method for writing Legal Answers in both Assignments and Exams. This is called the 'IRAC Method' This Identifies - the issue(s), the rules, the application/analysis of the facts against the rules, and then ends with a conclusion. The writer examines all the issues against the facts and the law (including Case Authorities and Statutes) so as to work out the puzzle. (Franks R, 2012, P.57)
If Website [Australian Parliament]
If a Case... (ANZ Banking Group Ltd v Australian Glass and Mirrors Pty Ltd (1991) 4 ACSR 14])
If a Statute... (Competition and Consumer Act, 2010, CWth.)
If a Journal Article (Jackson, A. 2007, 54-9)
- Burnett B, Australian Corporations Law, (Australia: CCH 2001) (Note NO PAGE NUMBER)
- Cassidy J, Concise Corporations Law, 3rd ed, (Australia: The Federation Press 2001)
- Franks R, Corporate Law, (New York: Little, Brown & Co 1986) Websites