
an analyst should first examine the issuers

An analyst should first examine the issuers debt structure in order to analyze the tax-backed debts. The debt burden consists of respective direct and overlapping debts per capita as well as the respective direct and overlapping debts per capita and the respective direct and overlapping debts as percentages of real estate valuations and personal incomes.

The second factor to examine is the issuer's ability to maintain a sound budgetary policy.

The third factor to consider is the past details of tax collection rates and the local taxes and intergovernmental revenues that would be available to the issuer. These details of information are required to assess property tax levies and to see how much local budget would depend on specific revenue sources.

The final factor to be examined is the issuer's overall socioeconomic environment.

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Financial Management: an analyst should first examine the issuers
Reference No:- TGS0159504

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