At a minimum, the paper will consist of:
The correct identification of the passage (where the passage begins/ends, its placement within the book, its placement within the Bible, etc.), giving specific reasons for each of your conclusions,
An analysis of the literary style and characteristics of both the passage and the book in which it is found (citing specific references),
The cultural and historical background of your chosen passage,
A detailed and thoughtful application of the appropriate exegetical approach suggested during the course,
Identification and explanation of any unique and/or significant phrases used in the passage,
A concluding section on the modern relevance and/or application of the passage, and
Specific references from at least five sources. Please note:
Sources must be in addition to the Required Texts, and
Although can be a good starting point to look for other web sites or resources, it is not an acceptable academic resource as authorship is anonymous.
All conclusions/opinions must be supported and documented with relevant and appropriate evidence and/or examples.
Please note that originality of submissions will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive a copy of the originality report.
Assignment Instructions
This will be a 10-12 page (MLA FORMATT) paper that carefully explores the "original" context, message, and meaning of a specific passage of the New Testament. Generally, a passage is longer than just a few verses, but is not longer than a chapter.