
An analysis of a topic and an organization using a

Assignment Outline:

A recommendation to find at least 2 references/sources you plan to use for your paper to help you develop your outline. Now that you've gotten your preliminary research done you are ready to develop an outline for your writing assignment.

Also, develop your thesis. A thesis statement focuses your ideas into one or two sentences.

In other words, the main topic of your paper is briefly summarized in 2-3 sentences- remember when developing your thesis, what do you want to prove or disprove in your paper based upon your hypothesis?

It should present the topic of your paper and also make a comment about your position in relation to the topic.

Your thesis statement should tell your reader what the paper is about and also help guide your writing about the topic.

Outlines help you to organize your ideas as well help you see how to relate your overall thesis or central idea to your paper.

The general format for a Formal Outline looks something like this:

I Thesis: Topic Sentence (main point)

A. Supporting evidence

B. Supporting evidence

II Topic Sentence (main point)

A. Supporting evidence

B. Supporting evidence

You can add more topic sentences and supporting evidence areas as needed- please use the specific instructions for the outline that are in the Assignment Area.

Prep Assignment: Create an Outline

Applying the Sociological Perspective: an analysis of a topic and an organization using a sociological perspective Of the 12 social issue topics that were given, which topic did you choose?

Remember that you will need at least 3 academic sources minimum. Start to search our FTCC library for those needed sources. For example, peer-reviewed journal articles can be found in our library. Your outline should be 1.5-2 pages.

Some Electronic Databases from our FTCC library that will be useful:

- CQ Researcher - Current Events

- InfoTrac Newsstand

- Issues & Controversies

- Opposing Viewpoints in Context


You may also consider other additional sources: .edu., .org., .gov. sites such as:

Center of Disease Control

Pew Research Center

World Health Organization


After you choose your topic and find some academic sources for your paper- it's time to begin creating your prep assignment: Your Outline:

For Example:

• I. I chose to do my paper on Global poverty from the list. I will discuss why global poverty is on the rise and has increased in developing countries, as well as an organization in society that is addressing this issue. Some of the reasons for the increase in poverty that will be discussed are:

1). Lack of family planning for women

2). Population growth

The next step pertaining to your social issue is to answer: What might be one important way in which the social issue is currently being addressed in society by finding a current event, news report, or contemporary example in social media.

Databases from our FTCC library can also help in this area to find an example:

- Issues & Controversies

- Opposing Viewpoints in Context

• II. A current event regarding the social issue of global poverty was found in the: ‘Issues and Controversies" FTCC database. (list the title of the article, or example in a brief statement you found in 2-3 sentences- you will get the chance to explain the example in detail in your paper).

• III. List: Sociological concepts that will be included in the paper: Identify at least four concepts from our text relevant to your chosen social topic. (Remember here you will include any 3 concepts or theories from our text that relate to your social issue you will discuss in your paper- you can also use our study guide in Black Board to help you find 3 concepts or theories) for example:

1. Gender stratification refers to men's and women's unequal access to power, prestige, and property.

2. Structural mobility involves social changes that affect large numbers of  people. For example, women have been largely ignored in areas of occupational mobility in the work place, which has a direct effect on poverty.

3). Feminization of poverty, involves the major occurrence of women experiencing poverty due to lower wages paid to women. This can be a major factor of global poverty and its effect upon women.


4). Conflict Theory- According to conflict theory, society is composed of  groups competing for scarce resources.

• IV. List an organization related to the social issue. (After your search from our library, and on-line search)- List the organization you include in our paper.

• V. Include at least 2 references (at least one reference should be a academic peer-reviewed journal article from our FTCC library) that you plan to use in your paper. If you choose global poverty as your topic for example, for the search in the FTCC electronic data base you choose, try: "the increase of global poverty." Please use full MLA citations (10 points)- for example:

• "Global Population Growth: Are Efforts to Reduce Global Population Growth Necessary?" Issues and Controversies, 20 June. 2003. Web. 23 Apr.2017. https://icof.infobaselearning.com.ezproxy.faytechcc.edu/recordurl.aspx?ID=2218.

• Sundaram, Jomo Kwame. " The Geography of Poverty." Inter Press Service. SIRS Issues Researcher.30 June.2016.

Briefly explain the information that you have obtained at this point for your final paper, please use in-text citations.

For example:

o VI. : A major social factor that has affects upon global poverty is the increase in population in developing countries. In addition, "developing countries, where most population growth is located, have few resources at their disposal to deal with the problems that overpopulation presents. High population growth has continued to keep countries struggling in poverty". (Issues and Controversies.
" Global Population Growth: Are Efforts to Reduce Global Population Growth Necessary").

In addition, "the Human Development Report 2015 covered 101 countries and found almost 1.5 billion, which is about 29 percent of their total population, experienced global poverty, which involves social factors reflecting acute deprivations in health, education, and standard of living".( Sundaram." The Geography of Poverty").

The social issue of global poverty appears to involve many areas of concern such as gender inequality, population growth, and lack of family planning in developing countries. I am interested to also research an organization in the community that is helping with this social issue.

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Dissertation: An analysis of a topic and an organization using a
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