An amplifier operating from - 12 v power supplies has

An amplifier operating from +/- 12 V power supplies has alinear transfer characteristic except for output saturationat+/- 11.4 V.
a) The peak-to-peak value of the largest sinusoidal wave thatcanbe applied at the amplifier input without output distortion is0.2V. Find the amplifier voltage gain in V/V and in dB.
b) What is the corresponding output power for a 10 W load?
c) What is the power gain, in W/W and in dB, if the inputpoweris 5 mW? What is the current gain of the amplifier, in A/A and in dB?
d) What is the amplifier efficiency (in %) if the DCcurrentdrawn from each supply is 600 mA?

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Electrical Engineering: An amplifier operating from - 12 v power supplies has
Reference No:- TGS0623550

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