
An aggregate of hexahedra form the model the original

Group Project

A reminder that for group project, each group member must write and submit their own individual Final Report, focusing on their part of the work. A combined group report will not be accepted.

Report Template

Use the template given on the unit's Blackboard site.

Adhere to the template. Do not modify the general format. Do not add page header/footer. Having addition chapters is fine.

This report must be

- typed in A4 pages in a single column with 1.5 line spacing, 4 cm left margin and 2 cm top, bottom and right margins
- typed in a clear font of readable size

Key Elements of the Report

Although the structure of an individual report may vary in consultation with the supervisor, the report must incorporate the following elements:

- Cover Page, which includes
o Unit Code and Title
o The heading "Final Report"
o Project Title, Student Name and Student Number
o Name of your Degree and Specialisation
o Name of the University and the School
o Date of Submission in the format DD MMM YYYY
o Supervisor Name at the bottom of the page

Note: Adhere to the template. Do not add pictures or borders to the cover page. Project title should be clear, concise and yet meaningful.
- Do not include the logo of any organisation in the report without prior written consent
- Page number shown in all pages except for the front cover page. Do not change the page numbering format as provided in the template.
- A Copyright and Access declaration as provided in the template.
- An Author Declaration, signed by the student, in the terms as provided in the template.
- An Abstract in no more than 400 words. It should provide a clear and concise summary of the project for a busy reader. This should be written last. Abstract should be self-contained. Do not include figures, tables, or references in Abstract.
- An Acknowledgement by the author of help given or work carried out by any other person or organisation
- A Table of Contents. Note that a list of figures and a list of tables can be included after the Table of Contents (each on a new page) but they are normally unnecessary.
- An Introduction chapter
- The main text (which typically includes the following chapters: Background, Proposed Method, Results and Discussion). The number of chapters used in your report is up to you.
- A Conclusion chapter
- References. Adequate and relevant references (of good quality) should be provided with complete details and in a consistent and correct format. Ensure all references are cited properly in text. This is not just a list of reading material (or a bibliography); all references must have in-text citation. The default referencing style is APA. However, you may adopt a different style as instructed by your supervisor. For example, the IEEE style is commonly used in the field of Electrical Engineering. Please consult your supervisor when in doubt.
- Appendices (if any)

Page Limit

While there is no strict page limit, it is a general expectation that the length of the report be around 30-50 pages for ENS3201, 40-70 pages for ENS4253, 50-70 pages for ENS5146 and 50-80 pages for ENS6127 (counting all pages).

- Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)

- Boundary Representation (B-Rep)

- Decomposition Model: The complex solid model is described as an aggregate of simple solids such as cubes

1. Voxel (VOlume + piXEL): a 3D extension of the pixel in two dimensions equally spaced in x, y and z directions

2. Octree: similar to voxely. an aggregate of hexahedra form the model. The original hexahedron is divided into eight hexahedra each time by introducing mid-planes in each direction

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Mechanical Engineering: An aggregate of hexahedra form the model the original
Reference No:- TGS02389502

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