An Accute care facility treats non-emergency patients (cuts, cold, etc.). Patients arrive according to an exponential interarrival-time distribution with a mean of 11 (all times in minutes). Upon arrival they check in at a registration desk staffed by a single nurse. Regrestration times follow a triangle distribution with parameters 6, 10, 19. After completing registration, they wait for an available examination room, there are three identical rooms. Data show that patients can be divided into two groups with regard to different examination times. The first group (55% of the patients) has service times that follow a triangular distribution with parameters 14, 22, and 39. The second group (45%) has triangular service times with parameters 24, 36, and 59. Upon completion, patients are sent home. The facility is open for 16hrs each day. Make 200 replications of one day each and observe the average total time patients spend in the system.