An AC source operating at 60 Hz with a maximum voltage of169 V is connected in series with aresistor (R = 1.4 k) and acapacitor (C = 2.5 µF).
(a) What is the maximum value of the current in the circuit?
(b) What are the maximum values of the potential difference acrossthe resistor and the capacitor?
VR, max = V
VC, max = V
(c) When the current is zero, what are the magnitudes of thepotential difference across the resistor, the capacitor, and the ACsource?
vR = V
vC = V
vsource = V
How much charge is on the capacitor at this instant?
qc = µC
(d) When the current is at a maximum, what are the magnitudes ofthe potential differences across the resistor, the capacitor, andthe AC source?
vR = V
vC = V
vsource = V
How much charge is on the capacitor at this instant?
qc = µC