An 8-in diameter grinding wheel, 1.0 in wide, is used in a surface grinding job performed on a flat piece of heat-treated 4340 steel. The wheel rotates to achieve a surface speed of 5000 ft/min, with a depth of cut (in feed) = 0.002 in per pass and a cross feed = 0.15 in. The reciprocating speed of the work is 20 ft/min, and the operation is performed dry.
(a) What is the length of contact between the wheel and the work?
(b) What is the volume rate of metal removed?
(c) If there are 300 active grits/in2 of wheel surface, estimate the number of chips formed per unit time. (d) What is the average volume per chip?
(e) If the tangential cutting force on the work piece = 7.3 lb, what is the specific energy calculated for this job?