




// function to calculate the total cost field function Total()

{ var tot = 0;

tot += (240 * document.order.qty1.value); tot += (270 * document.order.qty2.value); tot += (300 * document.order.qty3.value); tot += (600 * document.order.qty4.value); document.order.totalcost.value  = tot; }

// function to update cost when quantity is changed function UpdateCost(number, unitcost)

{ costname = "cost" + number; qtyname = "qty" + number; var q = document.order[qtyname].value;

document.order[costname].value  = q * unitcost;



// function to copy billing address to shipping address function CopyAddress()

{ if (document.order.same.checked)

{ document.order.shipto.value = document.order.billto.value;



//global variable for error flag var errfound = false;

//function to validate by length function ValidLength(item, len)

{ return (item.length >= len); }

//function to authorize any email address function Valid Email (item)

{ if (!ValidLength(item, 5)) return false;

if (item.indexOf ('@', 0) == -1)

return false;

return true;


function error(elem, text)


// abort if we already found an error if (errfound) return; window.alert(text);

elem.select(); elem.focus(); errfound = true;


// main validation function function Validate()


errfound = false;

if (!ValidLength(document.order.name1.value,6))

error(document.order.name1,"Invalid  Name");

if (!ValidLength(document.order.phone.value,10))

error(document.order.phone,"Invalid  Phone");

if (!ValidLength(document.order.billto.value,30))

error(document.order.billto,"Invalid  Billing Address");

 if (!ValidLength(document.order.shipto.value,30))

error(document.order.shipto,"Invalid  Shipping Address");

if (!ValidEmail(document.order.email.value)) error(document.order.email, "Invalid Email Address");

if (document.order.totalcost.value  == "") error(document.order.qty1, "Please Order at least one item.");

 if (document.order.payby.selectedIndex  != 1)


if (!ValidLength(document.order.creditno.value,2))

error(document.order.creditno,"Invalid Credit/Check number");


return !errfound; /* true if there are no errors */ }



<H1>Online Cake Order Form</H1>

<FORM NAME="order" onSubmit="return Validate();">


<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name1" SIZE=20>

<B>Phone: </B>

<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="phone" SIZE=15>

<B>E-mail address:</B>

<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="email" SIZE=20><BR><BR>

<B>Shipping Address:</B>


<TEXTAREA  NAME="shipto"  COLS=40  ROWS=4 onChange="CopyAddress();"> Enter your shipping address here. </TEXTAREA>

<B>Products to Order:</B><BR>

Qty:  <INPUT  TYPE="TEXT"  NAME="qty1"  VALUE="0"  SIZE=4  onChange  = "UpdateCost(1, 240);">

Cost:  <INPUT  TYPE="TEXT"  NAME="cost1"  SIZE=6>  (Rs.240  )  Vanilla  cake


Qty:  <INPUT  TYPE="TEXT"  NAME="qty2"  VALUE="0"  SIZE=4  onChange  = "UpdateCost(2, 270);">

Cost: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="cost2" SIZE=6> (Rs.270 ) Strawberry cake


Qty:  <INPUT  TYPE="TEXT"  NAME="qty3"  VALUE="0"  SIZE=4  onChange  = "UpdateCost(3, 300);">

Cost:  <INPUT  TYPE="TEXT"  NAME="cost3"  SIZE=6>  (Rs.300  )  Black  Forest cake <BR>

Qty:  <INPUT  TYPE="TEXT"  NAME="qty4"  VALUE="0"  SIZE=4  onChange  = "UpdateCost(4, 600);">

Cost: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="cost4" SIZE=6> (Rs.600 ) Chocolate cake

<HR>     <B>Total     Cost:</B>     <INPUT     TYPE="TEXT"     NAME="totalcost" SIZE=8><HR> <B>

Method of Payment</B>:

<SELECT NAME="payby"> <OPTION VALUE="check" SELECTED> Check or Money Order

<OPTION VALUE="cash">Cash or Cashier's Check

<OPTION VALUE="credit">Credit Card (specify number)

</SELECT><BR> <B>Credit Card or Check Number:</B>:

<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="creditno" SIZE="20"><BR>

<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="submit" VALUE="Send Your Order">





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