
amoebasystematic positionamoeba was


Systematic  Position

Amoeba  was discovered by  Russel von Rosenhoff in  1755. He  called it the little proteus  after the mythical  sea god who is believed to be capable  of changing shape.

Several species  of Amoeba  are known ,Amoeba proteus (Gr, amoib= change )  is commonest  and best known .Other  common species  are .Aradiosa ,A discoides    and A verrucosa. The  following  description is largely based  on A proteus.

Habit and Habitat

Amoebae  inhabit  fresh or  marine  water  and moist soil. A proteus is  abundant  in bottom mud or surface  scum of ditches  , ponds, lakes  streams , etc, having  plenty of decaying organic matter ,Normally  ,it  creeps  upon solid  objects feeds upon algae, bacteria, etc, responds  to stimuli  and multiplies by mitosis.

Culture of  Amoeba

Temporary cultures  of amoeba  can be easily prepared for laboratory study by  hay infusion  method , Dry  and  clean  leaves  grass wheat  grains  or banana  peals are boiled  in distilled water  for about 15 minutes. The water is then filtered and allowed  to stand   open for 2to 3 days .This  allows abundant bacterial growth in it ,Now  some half rotten  leaves are  brought  from  a pond or ditch, washed  ant put into the filtrate. Within a week  the filtrate  abounds with  amoebae. A drop  from the  bottom  of the container on to  a  slide  shows   several amoebae  when  observed under  the microscope.  

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Biology: amoebasystematic positionamoeba was
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