
Amission statement - organizational purpose primary

The corporate summary must include, but is not limited to:
a. Mission Statement - organizational purpose; primary stakeholder's, customer base, shareholder's; and how the organization provides value to the stakeholders and customers through products and services.
b. Marketing Intent - Products, R&D, Promotion/Sales, and Prices.
c. Production Plan - Plant Improvements/Liquidations.
d. Finances - Borrow, Issue Stock, Dividend Policy.
Points to consider:Answering the following questions does not complete the assignment, but serves only as guiding questions you should think about while completing the summary.

  • What industry is your organization in?
  • How does your company compete in the industry?

• Focus mostly on broad concepts displaying your knowledge of the organization by using business language that supports your understanding of the key concepts mentioned above.
• Feel free to use any supplemental material as a refresher and to help increase your understanding of how to complete a mission statement.

  • 1 - 2 pages
  • Double Space 12 Font.
  • New Times Roman.
  • Works Cited (if applicable).
  • APA Format.
  • Please refer to Corporate Summary Sample in Doc Sharing.


Chester Corporation

  • Mission Statement

Chester Corporation provides innovative and revolutionary cell phones to low and high tech customers. We strive to provide the highest quality and reasonably priced products to meet customer needs.

  • R&D

Chester Corporation will redesign and improve existing products to serve both our low and high tech customer needs. New and innovative products will be created with reasonable purchases prices, high performance levels, smaller sizes, high MTBF, and low to zero sensor age that will appeal to both high and low tech clients. Our goal is to save in R&D costs, marketing cost, and production cost, while still providing quality products.

  • Marketing

Chester Corporation believes in the power of marketing and promotion. Initially, over $3 million will be spent on marketing and promotion for each product. As customer awareness and accessibility is reached, budgets will be reevaluated to eliminate diminishing returns. Marketing and promotion will be accomplished through standard and social media venues. Product prices will be determined by the segment of the market and through competitive analysis.

  • Production

Chester Corporation will evaluate production for each product on a yearly basis. Chester's profitability is hinged on the ability of the company to cut costs while still producing quality products and delivering excellent customer service. Millions of dollars will be spent on technology by increasing automation levels each year. This simple action will reduce overtime costs and the need for a heavy labor force. Adequate planning and market research will also help lower inventory carryover costs from year to year.

  • Finance

Chester Corporation will initially issue long term bonds to finance additional plants, invest in technology to increase automation levels, and market emerging products. Long term bonds will be used because starts up costs are usually high and sufficient capital will not exist. Financing for following years of operation will come from profits and sale of stock.


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Business Management: Amission statement - organizational purpose primary
Reference No:- TGS0781163

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