
American school counselor association please review the

Annotated Resource ListResources

• Annotated Bibliography
• American School Counselor Association.
• State Requirements are Louisiana

This assignment meets CACREP 2009 standards: A4 and A5; CACREP 2016 standards: SC.2I, SC3c, and SC.3I.

This assignment will allow you to begin collecting resources to facilitate the completion of your Introductory Resource Portfolio course project. Build your Annotated Resource List to support your course project by identifying and analyzing material that will be useful for your school counseling career. Refer to the Annotated Bibliography presentation from this unit's studies for guidance on developing your Annotated Resource List.

Note: Please review the Annotated Resource List Scoring Guide to be sure you understand the grading criteria for this assignment.

Locate a minimum of 15 resources in the form of Web sites, articles, books, or other scholarly materials for your resource list. References must be from within the past 10 years. Include a variety of resources, using no more than eight Web sites to fulfill the 15 resource minimum requirement.

Your resources should include the following:

• Local, State, and Capella Fieldwork Requirements.

• Specific guidelines for fieldwork for Capella University (see iGuide: Counselor Fieldwork Resources in this assignment's Resources section).Note: You must clearly articulate your understanding of Capella's requirements for fieldwork.

• Specific guidelines for fieldwork in your district (from your school district's Web site).Note: You must clearly articulate the procedures you will need to follow in your potential school district to gain access to an internship site.

• Specific guidelines for fieldwork and school counseling credentialing in your state (obtain this information from your state's department of education Web site).

• Professional Associations, Preparations Standards, and National and State Credentialing Requirements.

• Influence of CACREP on your program's curriculum.

• Curriculum requirements for school counselors in your state.

• National certification requirements through an organization such as the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC/National Certified Counselorand/or National Certified School Counselor credential) or the National Board forProfessional Teaching Standards(NBPTS/School Counseling certificate).

• Activities, influence, and importance of membership in professional associations such as the American School Counseling Association (ASCA), Association for Child and Adolescent Counseling, your state counseling and/or school counseling association, and your local chapter.

• ASCA School Counselor Competencies.

• Guidelines for membership in the counseling honor society, Chi Sigma Iota.

• Role of the School Counselor and Approaches Used in the School System.

• Needs of Diverse Populations (such as multicultural, special education, and military dependents) through large groups (such as classroom instruction of school counseling core curriculum) and small groups that address both prevention and intervention.

• Be sure to touch on all three content areas: academic achievement, career development, and personal/social growth.

• Counseling Techniques and Theories Appropriate to the Role of the School Counselor.

• Peer Helping Programs.

• Collaboration With Stakeholders (such as parents, teachers, and administrators).

Resources Guide

• Fieldwork information may come from iGuide and your state department of education Web site.

• Professional associations, preparation standards, and credentialing requirements may come from Web sites.

• A maximum of twoadditionalWeb sites may be used.

• A maximum of five course readings (both required and optional) may be used as resources.

• A minimum of five resources should come from the professional literature that you have researched on your own (use the Capella University Library).

Once you have compiled your resource list:

• Provide at least one substantial paragraph of annotation for each resource.

• Your annotations should evaluate the relevance of each resource in the context of the topics listed above.

Assignment Requirements

• Written communication:Writing must be scholarly, professional, free of errors, and consistent with expectations for members of the counseling profession.

• APA formatting:Format according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.

• Length: Devote at least one substantial paragraph for the annotation of each resource.

• References: A minimum of at least 15 current (within the last 10 years) resources.

• Font and font size:Times New Roman, 12 point.

• Also attached is the scoring guide on what is expected out of assignment, if you need any more info please contact me. Thanks for your service.

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