
American psychological association


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Presenting information in a clear and concise manner is important. Evaluate a document that you have written recently for work (email, memo, etc.). What strategies can be incorporated to improve your writing style?

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It is important to write clearly and concisely. (American Psychological Association {APA}. (2010) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.p. 61). This week's discussion offered specific examples about effective ways to improve writing styles. For example, being organized by creating an outline, establishing a tone, and being unbiased are ways to improve writing skills. (American Psychological Association {APA}. (2010) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Recently when writing an email to the Department Head, recognizing the structure of an email is important. An email to a professional, specifically a Department Head, should always be professional and factual. I was irresponsible when composing the email by not proofreading the subject matter. After reviewing the email, I found it easy to become comfortable with assuming the recipient of the email is the only person reading it. In addition to rushing while composing the email, I made mistakes with spelling and subject-verb agreement. The email not only had grammatical errors, the topic was not clear, and it was generated to another colleague for a response.

Several strategies can be incorporated into improving writing styles include organization, establishing a tone for the reader or recipient of the email, memo or any or means of communication is important. By recognizing these strategies, the body of work should be clear, concise, professional, and specific. The reading from helps with reviewing writing styles. (American Psychological Association {APA}. (2010) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Second Reply

I send atleast fifty emails in one day at work alone. The emails I send are mostly generic, but I try to change them up a bit so that the empoyees don't skim over thinking it's the same thing every time. One way for me to improve my writing is to "keep it short and to the point." (Royal, 2010). I like to make sure I cover all bases of the transaction, when it's really not necessary.


Royal, B. (December 2010) How to Improve on Your Style in Ten Minutes or Less.

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