American psychological association 2001 publication manual

Chose two items in your reading

Thus far you have read 1-3 chapter in the Egan Text (The Skilled Helper). Chose two items in your reading that you feel are crucial for a person in the helping field.

American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American psychological association, (5th ed.) Washington DC: APA. (ISBN #1-55798-790-4).


Benner, D.G. (1998). Care of souls. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House Co. (ISBN # 085364960X).


Benner, D.G. (1992). Strategic pastoral counseling: A short-term structural model. (ISBN # 0801010276).


Benner, D.G. & Hill, P. (1999). Baker encyclopedia of psychology & counseling. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House.


Collins, G.R., (1993). The Biblical basis of Christian counseling for people helpers. Colorado Springs, CO: Navpress. (ISBN # 0891097538).


Collins, G.R. (1995), How to be a people helper (Revised ed.). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House. (ISBN # 0842313850).


Collins, G.R. (1988). Can you trust psychology? Downer's Grove, IL: IVPress.

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