
American anthropology was founded by franz boas pretty much



American anthropology was founded by Franz Boas pretty much the way he looked at anthropology was culture was the center of the whole study. Using this method he then came up with four subfields archaeology, biological, cultural, and linguistic (What is Anthropology? - Advance Your Career).

In order to know how each of these are important I need to first define each sub field. The archaeology sub field is where you exam the culture of past populations or civilizations by digging up and studying the remains of it. Biological subfield this field focuses more on the aspect of evolution through genetics and overall health. The Cultural sub field studies the society in the present and how they live and work together as well as the social order they live. The linguistic subfield focuses more on the language of the society that is being studied.

The reason each of the subfields are so important is because it allows for the field to break the study of a society down into more manageable categories, it also gives each one of the sub fields more or less boundaries they should stay in when focusing in on one of these subfields.

The good thing is these subfields do not have to be strict to the preferred boundaries sometimes it is necessary to mix and bend the boundaries of the subfields to meet a certain area you are studying. A good example would be an anthropologist conducting an archaeological dig finds a Skelton of a person with a altered skeletal structure they can now use that in biological subfield to help determine ancestral lineage and so on(Subfields of Anthropology | Department of Anthropology,).

Work Cited

Subfields of Anthropology | Department of Anthropology. (n.d.).

What is Anthropology? - Advance Your Career. (n.d.).


Frank Boas started the study of Anthropology. He believed the study of human behavior was important. He came up with four subfields which are Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, and Linguistic Anthropology. Each of these fields focuses on different studies. Archaeology focuses on the study of human culture meaning to what objects people have made.

Sometimes, archaeologists also study human teeth so they can see what diet the person was on. Biological Anthropologists study the adaptation of human behavior in different environments. These anthropologists even study the behavior of apes or chimpanzees!

Cultural Anthropologists study the different cultures from all over the world. Sometimes, they even live with the people to get a better understanding of their particular background. Finally, we have the Linguistic Anthropologists which studies different languages around the globe. All of these subfields are important because each of these subfields provide different theories and research. That is why subfields are a big importance when it comes to the study of anthropology. All of these different types of fields have different theories, data, and research.

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