American Airline Regression Predict Model
Revenue Model
Financial correlation instruments
Review 4th quarter 2016 results (use last 3 months data.. this may involve past months leading up to the 4th quarter of 2016.
Using active trading model of 1). Candlesticks, 2). Stochastic, 3). Trend lines, and 4). Stops, demonstrate financial positions which would have been taken using your financial revenue model.
Demonstrate your model for 1 millon dollar segments. (use 1 million dollar result for "rolling up" to actual revenue accomplished by the airline during the 4th quarter.
You will need to record result of each financial instrument results through a weighted factor as determined in your model.
Prediction Model:
AA Total Revenue
= 46264.1
+ 418.81*(Coffee: no shift)
+ 95.61*(Lean Hog: no shift)
+ -5905.84*(Gasoline: no shift)
+ -297.81*(S&P 500 VIX: no shift)
+ -31372.77*(US Dollar/Swiss Franc: no shift)
R^2 = 0.76331
Expense Model
Use same process as in revenue model notedabove
Prediction Model:
AA Total Operating Expense
= 6266.97
+ 377.00*(Coffee: no shift)
+ 0.71*(Soybeans: 3-month shift)
R^2 = 0.91637
Revenue - Expenses = Profit/Loss
Record results for final 4thquarter results
Explore the results (explain)
Put summary in a power point presentation. Graphs of trade demonstrations, trade results, and model results. Keep simple and direct to the point.
This is an individual assignment. The group project model will be graded. Individual assignment will raised or lower that result.