Assignment task:
HLS 595: IndStdy/Prevent & Detect Fraud
"Please read and answer all the questions"
Prompt: Chapter 14: Go online to a specific publicly traded company of your choice. On the website, locate the information about their audit committee sometimes there is a tab for corporate governance, which may be located at the very bottom of the company's home page (could also be under "About Us"). Find two names that are on the audit committee.
As a sample, if you go to, scroll to the very bottom of their webpage and under "About Nike" click on "Investors". Then scroll down to see "Corporate Governance" on the left side. Click on Learn More and you will see a list of directors (and a short bio) and also Board Committee Assignments. Two members of the audit committee include Alan Graf and Peter Henry. The purpose of this assignment is for you to get comfortable looking for these individuals on corporate websites, in the event you are ever in an position to contact a company's audit committee as a CFE or even as an investor.
Chapter 16: Read through the amenities of corporate board members listed on page 231. Do you think any of these amenities should be avoided or curtailed? Which one(s) would you consider the most risky in terms of encouraging board members to "go with the flow and overlook red flags of potential fraud?