Heat Transfer Project -
In this project, you will perform transient analysis on a segment of a wall. The wall is made of 3 materials: brick, plaster and foam. The brick has the following properties: k = 2.5 W/mK, ρ = 2400 kg/m3, cp = 800 J/kgK. The plaster has the following properties: k = 0.8 W/mK, ρ = 1800 kg/m3, cp = 850 J/kgK. The foam has the following properties: k = 0.25 W/mK, ρ = 40 kg/m3, cp = 900 J/kgK. The left side of the wall is subject to convection with an ambient temperature of 250 deg C. The right side of the wall is subject to convection with an ambient temperature of 25 deg C and a heat transfer coefficient of 10 W/m2K. The top and bottom wall surfaces can be treated as insulated. Consider a 1 m segment (depth) of the wall. The wall is initially at a uniform temperature of 25 deg C.
1. Create a program that will solve the two-dimensional temperature distribution of the wall for times of 30, 90 and 180 minutes, and brick side convective heat transfer coefficient of 10, 50, and 100 (a total of 9 configurations). Use a grid size of 2.5 mm.
a. For each configuration, present a temperature contour plot of the temperature of the system.
b. In a table (or series of tables), present the temperatures at the five points shown in the figure below for each configuration.
2. For the 3 heat transfer coefficient cases, calculate the amount of time (in minutes) until the system reaches steady state.
a. In a table (or series of tables), present the temperatures at the five points shown in the figure below for each configuration.
b. Compare the data from your program to theoretically determined values using thermal resistance. Explain any discrepancies described by the results.
c. For these three cases, determine the amount of heat gained by the wall in your program.

Present all of your findings in a simple report. The report should begin with a cover page, including your name, the date, and the UOSA Academic Integrity Pledge. An introduction and theory section is not necessary; you should include enough explanation throughout the report so that your findings are understood. Include your program codes, fully commented, in text at the end of your report. You will also submit your codes electronically for verification. You are free to use any programming package to complete the assignment except for modeling packages such as ANSYS or FLUENT.
Write an example nodal equation for each of the 6 following locations (use variables, not numbers):
1. Left edge of plaster subject to convection
2. Upper left corner of plaster subject to convection (and insulated top)
3. Interface between brick and plaster - edge
4. Interface between brick and plaster - corner
5. Top surface at interface between foam and plaster (insulated top surface)
6. Internal node in brick
Using thermal resistance, calculate the temperature at the 5 points on the diagram. Show all work.