
ambient reflection-polygon rendering amp ray

Ambient Reflection-Polygon Rendering & Ray Tracing Methods

When we go for the examiner of light effects, so surroundings play a significant role and it is assumed as there exists several light in surroundings incident uniformly on neighborhood objects. This light in the environment is categorized like Ambient Light as it is non-directional, that is, this exposes the object uniformly from each direction.

Ambient light is the combination of light reflections from various surfaces to produce uniform illumination which is referred to as ambient light or Background light. Some features associated with this kind of light are:

- Ambient light has no spatial or else directional characteristics,

-The amount of ambient light incident on each object is constant for all surfaces and for each direction.

- The amount of ambient light reflected is based upon the properties of the surface

- The intensity of ambient light identical at every point may be diverse for every surface and color r,g,b

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Computer Graphics: ambient reflection-polygon rendering amp ray
Reference No:- TGS0412096

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