
Am953001 management information systems assignment choose a

Management Information Systems Assignment -

Learning Outcomes -

  • Analyse the role (past, present and future) of information systems in a specific organisation.
  • Critically analyse policies and procedures for managing the information systems in a specific organisation.

Literature Review of Information Systems -

Information and communication technology has become strategically significant and affects most of the businesses globally. Information systems is emerging as one of the main tool for making informed decision in contemporary organizations. An information system (IS) uses three main components; software, hardware, and communication channels, to acquire, process, and communicate business data and convert it into information. Information, being a core asset of a contemporary organisation, needs to be managed efficiently to be used as competitive advantage in knowledge based decision making.

Industry is banking and anz bank is the company selected for individual assignment.

OBJECTIVES - The purpose of this individual assessment is to perform:

  • Critical review of research literature related to a specific aspect of the management of the information systems function within organisations.
  • Evaluation of the policies and procedures for managing the information systems function in a specific organisation.

To achieve the above objectives, you are required to choose a contemporary industry and investigate the different information system functions that are particular to that industry. One of such industry could be ecommerce where all the functions of the information system management apply in their full capacity. A thorough literature overview is required to investigate how different IS functions have evolved over the period to the current state of the art IS functions in the selected industry.

You will need to narrow down your research to a specific organisation which operates in the selected domain and review their information system architecture. The focus of this part of the report will be on the policies and procedures of the organisations for the managing their information system functions.

DELIVERABLES - Research Report (4000 -5000 words): Perform a detailed literature survey, analysis, and comparisons of the functions in an industry, and collate a research report on the policies and procedures for a specific organisation. Your research report must address the following main points. (This is not the final structure but a guide of how your report might look like)

1. An executive summary of the report

2. A table of contents

3. Background of the industry

4. A review of Information system functions in the selected industry

5. Literature review of the current information management policies and procedures in the selected industry

6. Background of the selected organisation

7. Critical review of the policies and procedures of the organisation in terms of information system

8. General recommendations for the selected organisation

9. Summary and conclusions

10. References

It is strongly emphasised that the report should be research focused - it should not be a simple review of the industry and organisation. Instead, the focus should be information system functions, policies and procedures for a contemporary business domain. The report should contains strong references and sources for ensuring the quality and validity of the claims.

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Reference No:- TGS02746043

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