
although there are no compulsory c compiler for

Although there are no compulsory "c" compiler for this subject, but the compiler we are going to use for this example is the Mingw32 compiler.

Download the source code files from the course website (filename "RTS practical assignment 2011sp1.zip"). Unzip the files into your "My Document" directory. The source code for our first example is intro.c. To compile the file using Mingw32, first make sure the following files are in the same directory as the intro.c file: pthread.h, sched.h, pthreadGC.dll and libpthreadGC.a. Once they are all in the same directory start a command console (or START>run>type in cmd) and use the cd command to change the working directory to where all the source files are stored. Use the path command to set the execution path for gcc.exe by typing path=c:\MinGW\bin\ at the command prompt. Use the following command to compile the c source code into an executable:
gcc  intro.c  -o  intro.exe  -I  -L  pthreadGC.dll
After compiling the program you will find the executable  intro.exe in the same directory as the intro.c source file. You can execute the program by typing intro.exe in the DOS console.

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Computer Engineering: although there are no compulsory c compiler for
Reference No:- TGS0267384

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