
Alternative methods of incarceration

Application Essay (Alternative Methods of Incarceration):

Project instructions:

You are required to provide a 400-word thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. You must support your assertions with at least 4 references. At least 2 of your references must be from Scripture. You may use your textbook and scholarly journal articles as sources for the remaining 2 references.

Topic: Alternative Methods of Incarceration

Question/Prompt: After completing your Reading & Study for this module/week, consider alternative methods of incarceration. How can you reduce cost and overcrowding while maintaining a system of justice? Take into account faith-based prison ministries. List 5 alternative methods. This may require some innovative thinking. From your list, choose the most promising alternative. Explain how this alternative method of incarceration can effectively meet the needs of the government, the public, and the individual (this should include the offender?s spiritual needs).

Textbook Reference:

Hendrix, N. & Inciardi, J. (2014). Experience criminal justice (1st ed.). Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780077599317.

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Reference No:- TGS01438033

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