Driving Test
Create a world that simulates a driving test. The world should have a car (Vehicles), 5 cones (Shapes), and a gate (Spooky). Set up your world as shown in the image below. Also, create two 3D text-phrase objects: "You Pass" and "Try Again." Set the is showing property of each text-phrase to false, so that they are not visible in the initial scene.

In this driver test, the user will use arrow-key presses to move the car forward, left, or right to swerve around each of the five cones. If the car hits one of the cones, the driver fails the test, the car stops moving and the "Try Again" text object is made visible. If the user manages to steer the car past all 5 cones, the car should drive through the gate and the "You Pass" text object become visible. Write a function named is Too Close that checks the car's distance to a cone. If the car is within 2 meters of the cone, the function returns true. It returns false otherwise. Also, write a function named is Test Passed, which evaluates whether the user has passed the test (i.e., whether the car has been driven past the gate).