
Also if the cursorreaches the end of the screen it should

Create an Etch A Sketch using the video screen as a the display and 4 toggle switches as movement buttons.
The program will start the cursor in the middle of the screenand will draw "*" when a move is given. THe cursor should be ableto move in any direction (N,S,W,E,NE,SE,NW,SW). Also, if the cursorreaches the end of the screen it should wrap around to the otherside of the screen. If no direction is designated, the cursorshould stay put. Also, the system should show the direction selected on a set of 8 LEDs. When the cursor moves thecorresponding LED should light up.
Draw, Erase, and Move modes via keyboard are required. Depending on the mode selected, the program should draw a character on movement, erase a character on movement, or just move the cursor.

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Electrical Engineering: Also if the cursorreaches the end of the screen it should
Reference No:- TGS0634085

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