
Also go tonbsphttpwwwblsgovoescurrentoessrcsthtmnbsp and

Write a short paper (not more than one page) describing your current (or most recent) job and the compensation system in place at your current (or most recent) place of employment.  Don't use the name of a company, just describe it.  (For instance instead of "Home Depot", say "major home improvement retailer".  ) Do you feel it is successful in meeting the goals of a good system?  Why or why not?

Also go to https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oessrcst.htm , and find that same job category in Florida.  Cut and paste the appropriate row into your paper.  Then for fun, include a column from the same job in another state that interests you.  Are they very different?  Are the results what you expected, or did they surprise you?

On a critical thinking note, what do these numbers not tell us?

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Business Management: Also go tonbsphttpwwwblsgovoescurrentoessrcsthtmnbsp and
Reference No:- TGS01593437

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