
Alpha-beta pruning on minimax game tree

Q1. Write down the Prolog or List program to find out the nth Fibonacci number in the sequence.

Q2. What do you mean by the unification in Predicate logic? Give some illustration.

Q3. Illustrate the advantage of using alpha-beta pruning on minimax game tree? Are there any factors on which this advantage based on?

Q4. For what purpose is the Baye’s theorem utilized? Write down the mathematical expression of Baye’s theorem.

Q5. Illustrate the meaning of hill climbing search method? Describe the term local maxima and plateau related with it.

Q6. Illustrate the steps of depth first search algorithm for the state space search.

Q7. Distinguish between the forward and backward reasoning. Whenever you are reaching home from an unknown place which of the reasoning is applied (forward or backward)?

Validate your answer with appropriate reason.

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Computer Engineering: Alpha-beta pruning on minimax game tree
Reference No:- TGS010489

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