
Along with your presentation you should include full apa

Health Psychology Final Research

you will analyze a modern health problem (e.g., obesity, cancer, HIV, alcohol abuse etc.) by describing the factors (e.g. biological, interpersonal, psychological) that contribute to the problem, what treatments are available to address the problem (interventions, medicine, therapy), and how adequate you believe these different treatments are (and why). You should narrow your topic to some specific population or aspect of the disease (e.g. colon cancer in adults or the dangers of nicotine use in developing nations). In essence this is an interactive literature review. Your project should include a clear introduction, explanation of the relevance of each example or research study you cite, and overall conclusion.

· You will first hand in a topic idea This should include the general idea; e.g. "We would like to present a project on breathing disorders in children" and a few facts on why you think this will be interesting "because x number of children die from asthma each year" or "research has shown that breathing problems in infancy severely affect brain development and IQ later in life." Late ideas will not be accepted for credit.

· Along with your presentation you should include full APA style references for each article you cited . You must cite at least 8 peer-reviewed journal articles in the reference list you turn in with your project.

· You will hand in a one-page outline. This should include at least 5 of your ten references (see info below). Late outlines will be penalized 4 points per day.

· You will be given rating sheets during presentation days to rate other student's presentations. This presentation sheet is worth 5 points, so be sure to attend class even when you are not presenting yourself

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Dissertation: Along with your presentation you should include full apa
Reference No:- TGS02486722

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