
Almanac of american politics

Assignment Instructions:

Using information from the Almanac of American Politics or other respectable sources, prepare a memorandum that demonstrates:

1. Your knowledge of Senator Harry Reid.
2. An understanding of the Nevada electoral landscape.
3. Most importantly, a detailed discussion of all of the types of research you think a Gibson campaign will need to undertake if he decides to becomes a candidate.

Don't hesitate to raise questions that may make this professional actor uncomfortable but which you believe will need to be addressed before an announcement of candidacy. This request has come to you today and you have been told Mel Gibson wants to announce in 90 days or so. Do your best to outline a timetable for the research activities you would recommend Mr. Gibson should take in a pre-announcement stage. The objective is to provide a road map on how this neophyte candidate should manage his research resources.

In developing your memo, you should also address the following:

1. The candidate's real and perceived strengths and weaknesses.
2. The incumbent's real and perceived strengths and weaknesses.
3. Any lessons from past Reid races?
4. The potential issue landscape.
5. The impact of presidential election.

While your memo is arguably an exercise in speculation, the challenge is to use facts to support your claims. Don't hesitate to reference past statements made by either of these individuals to illustrate your advice or suggestions.

There is no minimum length required for this memo but it should be as comprehensive as possible.

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Other Management: Almanac of american politics
Reference No:- TGS01863005

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