You have been tasked with developing the software for an online Computer Science coaching system. The idea of the system is to connect students and a coach in an interactive distance learning environment.
The main functions of the system are:
1. Allow a coach to join and provide lists of courses they can help with, the times they are available, and maybe some resume information so other students can decide if they want to use them
2. Allow students to sign up for needing a coach. They also would have a list of courses they need coaching in and a list of available times.
3. Functionality to allow students to set up long term repeat coaching sessions for the whole semester.
4. Functionality for a manager to maintain the lists of courses that the system is currently supporting. Then assign a coach to the classes and also maintain lists of students within each course.
5. The functionality to auto-match students to a coach.
6. The functionality for students to rate a coach and also for a coach to rate students.
7. The functionality to allow students to hand-pick a coach and bypass the auto-match functionality.
8. The functionality to allow sharing of a digital chalk board app that can reside on both the tut#or and student tablets or PCs to allow them to work together on homeworks, etc.
9. The ability to get into publisher databases of homework questions to allow the coach to work with the students.
10. Functionality to allow access to view chapters within the textbooks.
11. The ability to upload other kinds of homeworks to work on together.
12. The functionality to have a live video feed be either full screen or in a picture in picture (PIP) format.
13. Functionality to support full two-way audio with the video feeds.
14. A manager interface to allow a coach manager to watch any coach student session in real time as well.
15. Functionality to record the coaching session for the students to replay parts later.
16. A manger interface to approve a coach to be in the program.
17. An auto-email reminder to students that they have a coaching session coming up.
The main physical components of the system include:
- Tablets or laptops to run the app on each side that includes, touchscreen display, camera, speakers, microphones.
- An external email/message server
- Multiple external publisher content servers
- A server for storing homeworks
- A server for storing tut#or and student info.
Complete the following :
For the Student-coach system generate a Use Case Diagram.
For the Student-coach write two (2) text use cases.
Find sixteen (16) classes for the Student-coach system.