
Allied health community discuss various approaches that can

”Read the Community Care Scenario in the "Allied Health Community". Discuss various approaches that can support effective team development. For example, how could each team member's strengths have a positive impact on the group? What changes are necessary in order to achieve an effective outcome?

Type of Care Provided

Care provided in this capacity is done through clinics such as 24-hour urgent care centers and minute clinics provided through local pharmacies or community locations. These facilities increase access to care at affordable rates and in convenient locations.


It was time for the team meeting. This was the fourth time the team at the community clinic was meeting to try and come to consensus regarding a problem that arose with a patient. The personalities of the group made the meetings interesting. John was a bit of a bully. Connie had a unique way of looking at things and did not seem to be in harmony with the rest of the group. Lucia was easily intimidated, and it seemed that John was aware of this and took advantage of her feelings. Sally was the social butterfly of the group and wanted to keep everyone happy. Walt typically slipped into the meeting and spent the time browsing his Facebook account. The others would come in, sit down, and only speak when asked a direct question. The boss was frustrated that the team had yet to come up with a consensus.

Just before the meeting began, Lucia began feeling anxious when John came in. She had been working on an alternative plan, had developed handouts, and was ready to make a suggestion at this meeting. Seeing John, she began to have second thoughts about bringing up her idea since the last time John had shot her down. She was hoping that the boss would see that she was interested in helping the group and that he might consider her for a promotion that was soon to be determined. Sally came in and checked in with each of the group members to see how they and their families were doing, what everyone’s plans were for the weekend, and other “nurturing” type questions.

The meeting began. John stood up and said, “We all know the reason we are meeting. Some people in this group just cannot see the big picture. There needs to be compromise in order for us to move forward. We all know who these people are and I hope they can come on board so we can be out of here by noon.” The boss, appearing a bit irritated at this outburst, said, “John, that is not the purpose of this meeting. We need to determine the best solution for our patient.” John immediately countered that this was the fourth meeting, yet the problem continued. Connie proposed that maybe someone had a suggestion as to how the problem could be solved. John said something barely audible under his breath, but no suggestions came forth.

Sally pointed out that today was Teresa’s birthday and that everyone should sing happy birthday for her. John stood up saying, “You are kidding, right?” and walked to the back of the room. They all sang to Teresa and then a round table discussion began so everyone could share their ideas. When it came to Lucia, she slid her handouts under her laptop and said that she had nothing to add as all her ideas had already been mentioned. The meeting came to an end without a solution. The boss was visibly upset as he threw his papers down on the table and gave the group an ultimatum, “Have a solution on my desk in 24 hours or we will be discussing solutions to our lack of consensus.

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Operation Management: Allied health community discuss various approaches that can
Reference No:- TGS02905514

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